Products from Winwap
Overview of products by Winwap Technologies

We have listed the main products offered by Winwap Technologies, arranged by type of product. For each product you can see which Operating Systems or Platforms it is available for, and in how it is typically provided or packaged. Note that this list is generic by design, so if you can not find what you are looking for here then contact us for more specific information.

And if a product you are interested in is not currently listed for the Operating System or Platform you are using, you should contact us. Most of the products are easily ported to other Platforms and Operating Systems.

Complete Applications for high volume customers

WWOEMWinWAP OEM Browser 4Windows 7, 8, 10, ServerExecutable
Windows Mobile ProfessionalExecutable
Windows Mobile StandardExecutable
Intrinsyc SoleusExecutable
WinCE 2.11/3.x/4.x/5.x/6.x/.NetExecutable
WWOEM5WinWAP OEM Browser 5Windows 7, 8, 10, ServerExecutable
Windows Mobile ProfessionalExecutable
Windows Mobile StandardExecutable
Intrinsyc SoleusExecutable
WinCE 2.11/3.x/4.x/5.x/6.x/.NetVarious
Arena & Larena for TD-SCDMAVarious
MMSCliMMS ClientWindows Mobile ProfessionalExecutable
Windows Mobile StandardExecutable
Intrinsyc SoleusExecutable
Brew & BrewMPVarious
Arena & Larena for TD-SCDMAVarious
EMSEmail ClientWindows CEVarious
Brew & BrewMPVarious
Arena & Larena for TD-SCDMAVarious
OMADLOma Download AgentWindows 7, 8, 10, ServerExecutable
Windows Mobile PPCExecutable
Windows Mobile SPExecutable
Intrinsyc SoleusExecutable
WinCE 2.11/3.x/4.x/5.x/6.x/.NetExecutable
USB-HUSB Modem Driver HOSTWindows (XP/Vista/7/Server)Installer
USB-CUSB Modem Driver CLIENTVariousHardware Specific
Mobile Phonescomplete solution
Wireless Broadbandcomplete solution
8-bit Controllerscomplete solution
16-bit Controllerscomplete solution
32-bit Controllerscomplete solution
DSPcomplete solution
Desktop OS (Linux, MAC-OS, Windows)OS Abstraction
RTOS (ucLinux, Nucleus, OSE, VRTX, embOS)OS Abstraction
Libraries (PThreads, ZThreads)OS Abstraction
OS-lessOS Abstraction

Toolkits with API and/or reference UI

WPSWAP Stack SDKWindows 7, 8, 10, ServerActiveX, DLL, .NET
AndroidLib, JNI
Windows CEActiveX, DLL, .NET
Windows MobileActiveX, DLL, .NET
Linux (RH7-9, SuSE7-9, Montavista, Ubuntu, Mandriva, Fedora Core 1-3, etc.)Library
Brew & BrewMPLibrary
Arena & Larena for TD-SCDMALibrary
Can be ported to further Operating Systems 
MMSSMMS Stack SDKWindows 7, 8, 10, ServerActiveX, DLL, .NET
AndroidLib, (JNI on request)
Windows CEActiveX, DLL, .NET
Windows MobileActiveX, DLL, .NET
Linux (RH7-9, SuSE7-9, Montavista, Ubuntu, Mandriva, Fedora Core 1-3, etc.)Library
Brew & BrewMPLibrary
Arena & Larena for TD-SCDMALibrary
Can be ported to further Operating Systems 
EMSEmail SDKWindows 7, 8, 10, ServerDLL
Windows CEDLL
Windows MobileDLL
Brew & BrewMPLibrary
Arena & Larena for TD-SCDMALibrary
WWXPWinWAPX Browser SDKWindows 7, 8, 10, ServerActiveX
Windows CE (2.11/3.0/4.0/5.0/6.0/.Net)ActiveX
Windows MobileActiveX
SMSSSMS Client SDKWindows 7, 8, 10, ServerDLL
Can be ported to other Operating Systems 
UPNPUPnP Stack SDKWindows (XP/Vista/7/Server)API & Demo
AndroidAPI & Demo
Brew, BrewMPTBD
Intel X86, ARM, MIPS
Can be ported to most platforms in a short time.

Standalone Products

WWWinWAP 4 for WindowsWindows 7, 8, 10, ServerExecutable
MWWWinWAP 4 for Windows MobileWindows MobileExecutable
SPBEWinWAP Smartphone Browser EmulatorWindows 7, 8, 10, ServerExecutable