We have listed the main products offered by Winwap Technologies, arranged by type of product. For each
product you can see which Operating Systems or Platforms it is available for, and in how it is typically provided or packaged. Note that this list is generic by design, so if you can not find what you are looking for here then contact us for more specific information.
And if a product you are interested in is not currently listed for the Operating System or Platform you are using, you
should contact us. Most of the products are easily ported to other Platforms and Operating Systems.
ID | Name | OS | Format |
WWOEM | WinWAP OEM Browser 4 | Windows 7, 8, 10, Server | Executable | | | Windows Mobile Professional | Executable | | | Windows Mobile Standard | Executable | | | Intrinsyc Soleus | Executable | | | WinCE 2.11/3.x/4.x/5.x/6.x/.Net | Executable | WWOEM5 | WinWAP OEM Browser 5 | Windows 7, 8, 10, Server | Executable | | | Windows Mobile Professional | Executable | | | Windows Mobile Standard | Executable | | | Intrinsyc Soleus | Executable | | | WinCE 2.11/3.x/4.x/5.x/6.x/.Net | Various | | | ThreadX | Executable | | | Arena & Larena for TD-SCDMA | Various | MMSCli | MMS Client | Windows Mobile Professional | Executable | | | Windows Mobile Standard | Executable | | | Intrinsyc Soleus | Executable | | | WinCE | Executable | | | ThreadX | Various | | | Brew & BrewMP | Various | | | Arena & Larena for TD-SCDMA | Various | EMS | Email Client | Windows CE | Various | | | ThreadX | Various | | | Brew & BrewMP | Various | | | Arena & Larena for TD-SCDMA | Various | OMADL | Oma Download Agent | Windows 7, 8, 10, Server | Executable | | | Windows Mobile PPC | Executable | | | Windows Mobile SP | Executable | | | Intrinsyc Soleus | Executable | | | WinCE 2.11/3.x/4.x/5.x/6.x/.Net | Executable | USB-H | USB Modem Driver HOST | Windows (XP/Vista/7/Server) | Installer | USB-C | USB Modem Driver CLIENT | Various | Hardware Specific | | | Mobile Phones | complete solution | | | Wireless Broadband | complete solution | | | 8-bit Controllers | complete solution | | | 16-bit Controllers | complete solution | | | 32-bit Controllers | complete solution | | | DSP | complete solution | | | Desktop OS (Linux, MAC-OS, Windows) | OS Abstraction | | | RTOS (ucLinux, Nucleus, OSE, VRTX, embOS) | OS Abstraction | | | Libraries (PThreads, ZThreads) | OS Abstraction | | | OS-less | OS Abstraction |
ID | Name | OS | Format |
WPS | WAP Stack SDK | Windows 7, 8, 10, Server | ActiveX, DLL, .NET | | | Android | Lib, JNI | | | Windows CE | ActiveX, DLL, .NET | | | Windows Mobile | ActiveX, DLL, .NET | | | Linux (RH7-9, SuSE7-9, Montavista, Ubuntu, Mandriva, Fedora Core 1-3, etc.) | Library | | | HP-UX | Library | | | Solaris | Library | | | Brew & BrewMP | Library | | | Arena & Larena for TD-SCDMA | Library | | | ThreadX | Library | | | Nucleus | Library | | | Can be ported to further Operating Systems | | MMSS | MMS Stack SDK | Windows 7, 8, 10, Server | ActiveX, DLL, .NET | | | Android | Lib, (JNI on request) | | | Windows CE | ActiveX, DLL, .NET | | | Windows Mobile | ActiveX, DLL, .NET | | | Linux (RH7-9, SuSE7-9, Montavista, Ubuntu, Mandriva, Fedora Core 1-3, etc.) | Library | | | MeeGo | Library | | | HP-UX | Library | | | Solaris | Library | | | Brew & BrewMP | Library | | | Arena & Larena for TD-SCDMA | Library | | | ThreadX | Library | | | Nucleus | Library | | | Can be ported to further Operating Systems | | EMS | Email SDK | Windows 7, 8, 10, Server | DLL | | | Windows CE | DLL | | | Windows Mobile | DLL | | | Brew & BrewMP | Library | | | Arena & Larena for TD-SCDMA | Library | WWXP | WinWAPX Browser SDK | Windows 7, 8, 10, Server | ActiveX | | | Windows CE (2.11/3.0/4.0/5.0/6.0/.Net) | ActiveX | | | Windows Mobile | ActiveX | SMSS | SMS Client SDK | Windows 7, 8, 10, Server | DLL | | | Can be ported to other Operating Systems | | UPNP | UPnP Stack SDK | Windows (XP/Vista/7/Server) | API & Demo | | | Android | API & Demo | | | iPhone | Demo | | | Brew, BrewMP | TBD | | | Intel X86, ARM, MIPS | | | | Can be ported to most platforms in a short time. | |